The Senior Class Giving Campaign is an opportunity to give back. Messiah provides amazing opportunities to serve others, grow in your faith, experience other cultures, sharpen your intellect and build life-long friendships. Now, it's your turn to pay it forward and leave your mark on campus...because once a Falcon, always a Falcon.
since November 28, 2018
since November 28, 2018
Ended on June 3, 2019
at 11:59:00 PM
at 11:59:00 PM
Donation Stream
{{ item.created_at | activityDate }}
{{ item.first_name }} {{ item.last_name }} -
Donated ${{ item.annual_pledge_amount }} to {{ item.project_name }}
{{ item.first_name }} {{ item.last_name }}
is "IN" to {{ item.project_name }}