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Płock, Poland | Polish Christian Ministries (PCM)

Płock, Poland | Polish Christian Ministries (PCM)

PCM is committed to making Jesus known in Poland and believe short-term teams play an important role in making that happen.
Płock, Poland | Polish Christian Ministries (PCM)

Polish Christian Ministries (PCM) is a NEW partner for the Agapé Center.  PCM is committed to making Jesus known in Poland and believe short-term teams play an important role in making that happen.  This year’s inaugural trip will be to Płock, Poland.  Students will have an opportunity to share personal testimonies of faith, spend time with host families, teach English to youth (ages 13-18) in local schools, and support initiatives of the local church.

Service-Learning: Faith in Action

At Messiah College, we want to challenge students to not only serve out of “love and grace,” but to also reflect and think critically on the service experience in order to gain a mature sense of self.  Through service, we hope that students will understand, value and appreciate human differences, which leads to greater cultural competency.  We believe that one of the most effective ways to provide opportunities of identity development, faith formation, leadership and cultural competence is through a service-learning model.

In the service-learning model, students participate in an authentic service activity, which meets the goals identified by the community (designed within the framework of a mutually beneficial relationship), and critically reflect on that activity.  As a result of their service experience, students develop a deeper understanding of social injustice and commitment to becoming a socially responsible citizen.

Service-learning offers a tangible, hands-on opportunity to put their faith in action.

How You Can Help:

Because we believe that our International service-learning opportunities should be available to all students at Messiah College – no matter one’s socio-economic background, we have committed to a group fundraising model.  By donating to our project, you are helping TWO students at Messiah College participate in a unique, experiential learning opportunity where they can put their faith in action.  You won’t only be making an impact in a student’s life, but you will also be impacting the global church.  

It costs approximately $2,500 to provide this unique service-learning experience for one Messiah Student.  The funds raised will go towards the project fee, travel, food, transportation, and insurance for the respective student.  It would be incredible to raise more than our target, as all funds will directly support our student international service-learning teams.

Help us succeed!

You don't need to give money to help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog.

In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.

And you know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen.  Thanks for your support!

Ashley Leggett picture
Ashley Leggett
Agape Center
717-796-1800 ext.7218
Donated since October 23, 2018
Ended on November 15,2018

Find us here

We’ll be sure to keep you updated along the way – sharing highlights from team trainings, as we prepare for trip departure, and then as often as possible when we are in-country.  Upon returning, we would love for you to check-out our student reflections on the blog. 
